El Paso, Texas
3 Day Tax Lien & Tax Deed Workshop
  • Tax Liens
  • ​Tax Deeds
  • ​OTC's
  • ​Hybrid Liens
  • ​How To Avoid Bad Tax Liens
  • ​Redemption Deeds
  •  Where To Find In Person Deals
  • ​How To Find Online Deals
  • ​Evaluating Online Deals
  • ​Exit Strategies for Tax Liens
  • ​Long Term Holds
  • ​Short Term Holds
  • Tax Liens/Deeds into Rental Portfolio
  • ​Vacation Rentals
  • ​Be The Bank
  • ​Financing Your Tax Liens/Deeds
  • ​Pre-Foreclosures
  • ​Foreclosures
Friday, Saturday & Sunday
August 4th, 5th & 6th
El Paso, Texas
3 Day Tax Lien & Tax Deed Workshop
Friday, Saturday & Sunday
August 4th, 5th & 6th
  • Tax Liens
  • ​Tax Deeds
  • ​OTC's
  • ​Hybrid Liens
  • ​How To Avoid Bad Tax Liens
  • ​Redemption Deeds
  • Where To Find In Person Deals
  • ​How To Find Online Deals
  • ​Evaluating Online Deals
  • ​​Exit Strategies for Tax Liens
  • ​Long Term Holds
  • ​Short Term Holds
  • ​Tax Liens/Deeds into Rental Portfolio
  • Vacation Rentals
  • ​Be The Bank
  • ​Financing Your Tax Liens/Deeds
  • ​Pre-Foreclosures
  • ​Foreclousres
You Will Learn In Detail:
  • 1: How to get 15-25% returns secured by the government!
  • 2: ​Where to FIND 240% DEALS!
  • ​3: How To Get Started FAST!!
  • ​​4: How to Profit from Tax Liens, Tax Deeds and Hybrids!
  • ​​5: Properties for Pennies on the Dollar!
  • ​​​6: Start A Massive Rental Portfolio
  • ​7. Financing A Large Tax Lien Portfolio
  • ​And So Much More!!!
Tax lien investing helped me go from $50,000 in debt to building an empire doing over $600 Million dollars in business, being the most watched boss on Undercover Boss, my own television series Flip This House on A&E, and being featured on Inc 500 Magazine.

What you will learn during your 3 day Tax Lien and Tax Deed Workshop is the exact same techniques that helped me get started 20+ years ago, profit during the great recession of 2008 and continue to build an incredible business today. These are the same strategies that you MUST implement NOW to profit in this volatile market.

Imagine never having to work another 9-5 job or having to worry about paying the bills again.

Tax lien debt gets paid before bank mortgages get paid, and can be as little as 10% of the value of the home. This means when you buy a tax lien, you get paid first EVERY TIME!

You will see that you can find deals for just pennies on the dollar!
You'll Be Hard Pressed To Find This Much
Value For Just $197.00
And for the first time EVER I'm going to show you how to build and set up a tax lien business by following my go-to deal finding strategy that I've kept "hush-hush" until now.
You're Also Getting These
Awesome Bonuses When You
Sign Up Right Now!
Bonus #1
Hidden Strategies
of Tax Lien Investing
This Digital Book will show you the steps to getting government secured returns, finding properties for pennies on the dollar and is a great starting guide to tax lien investing.
Bonus #2
Quick-Start Guide to Real Estate
This quick-start guide will help launch your real estate business off the ground
With the "Quick-Start Guide to Real Estate", you will understand the three most important areas that sell a house and easy techniques you can use to finance real estate deals.
Bonus #3
Accelerated Deal Analyzing
How to rapidly determine if a property should be a flip (for big cash) or rental (for long term cash-flow).
Bonus #4
Build an Empire: The Keys to Rapid Growth
"Build an Empire: The Keys to Rapid Growth" will show you the 3 keys to being a powerful investor. You will also learn the 7 commonalities of successful business'. 
Bonus #5
Deal Finding Power Play
Learn how to create an army of deal finders for you. 
With "Deal Finding Power Play", you will learn how to build a massive deal finding team. 
Bonus #6
Think Like a Millionaire
With "Think Like a Millionaire", you will learn the 3 senses you need to be an investment power player. As well as 6 mind blowing lessons for creating wealth.
That's over $2,474.00 in Value, But You Aren't Paying That Today  
Get Everything For Just 
$197 (Here's Why).
Me and my team of business plan advisors are on standby waiting to help you design your business plan and help you get all your questions answered.

I want to work with winners - I want to work with people who when I give you my Tax Lien & Tax Deed Investing blueprint, you're going to put in the action required to bring it to life.

I'm willing to give you all this for so little because I'm confident you're going to be blown away.

I know it can change your life so much that you'll do business with me for years to come. You may want to come to our masterminds or go through some of our other courses and education.

You'll most likely become obsessed with mastering this industry and you'll want to grow and scale the business, which I can help with.

But first, I'm willing to help you for next to nothing. I'm willing to show you I can help you - by actually helping you! What a novel concept, right?

That way if you decide it's not for you, you're not out anything except a few bucks and little bit of time.

Can we just cut the crap and start our relationship off with honesty and transparency?

I'm not going to sugar coat stuff and treat you like a dummy… I'm going to treat you with the dignity and respect I believe you deserve.

All I ask is if you're going to sign up right now by clicking the button below… PLEASE do the work.

Commit right now to finish the ENTIRE challenge.

That's my challenge for you, if you're ready to accept it, and I'm willing to hold your hand every step of the way.

Don't let this be another thing you sign up for on an impulse and don't follow through with.

If you're going to start this challenge… promise yourself, and promise me, that you won't take advantage of my generosity.
Promise me you won't quit reaching for success right before the miracle happens.
Promise me you won't give up and quit right before the finish line. I get it - you've been beaten, battered and bruised and you're not sure if this will actually work.
You Will Learn In Detail:
  • 1. How to get 15-25% returns secured by the government!
  • 2. ​Where to FIND 240% DEALS!
  • ​3. How To Get Started FAST!!
  • ​4. How to Profit from Tax Liens, Tax Deeds and Hybrids!
  • ​5. Properties for Pennies on the Dollar!
  • ​6. Start A Massive Rental Portfolio
  • ​7. Financing A Large Tax Lien Portfolio
  • ​And So Much More!
Tax lien investing helped me go from $50,000 in debt to building an empire doing over $600 Million dollars in business, being the most watched boss on Undercover Boss, my own television series Flip This House on A&E, and being featured on Inc 500 Magazine.

What you will learn during your 3 day Tax Lien and Tax Deed Workshop is the exact same techniques that helped me get started 20+ years ago, profit during the great recession of 2008 and continue to build an incredible business today. These are the same strategies that you MUST implement NOW to profit in this volatile market.

Imagine never having to work another 9-5 job or having to worry about paying the bills again.

Tax lien debt gets paid before bank mortgages get paid, and can be as little as 10% of the value of the home. This means when you buy a tax lien, you get paid first EVERY TIME!

You will see that you can find deals for just pennies on the dollar!
You'll Be Hard Pressed To Find This Much 
Value For Just $197.00
And for the first time EVER I'm going to show you how to build and set up a tax lien business by following my go-to deal finding strategy that I've kept "hush-hush" until now. 
You're Also Getting These
Awesome Bonuses When You
Sign Up Right Now!
Bonus #1
Hidden Strategies 
of Tax Lien Investing 
This Digital Book will show you the steps to getting government secured returns, finding properties for pennies on the dollar and is a great starting guide to tax lien investing.
Bonus #2
Quick-Start Guide to Real Estate
This quick-start guide will help launch your real estate business off the ground
With the "Quick-Start Guide to Real Estate", you will understand the three most important areas that sell a house and easy techniques you can use to finance real estate deals.
Bonus #3
Accelerated Deal 
How to rapidly determine if a property should be 
a flip (for big cash) or rental (for long term cash-flow).
Bonus #4
Build an Empire: The Keys to Rapid Growth
"Build an Empire: The Keys to Rapid Growth" will show you the 3 keys to being a powerful investor. You will also learn the 7 commonalities of successful business'. 
Bonus #5
Deal Finding Power Play
Learn how to create an army of deal finders for you.
With "Deal Finding Power Play", you will learn how to build a massive deal finding team. 
Bonus #6
Think Like A Millionaire
With "Think Like a Millionaire", you will learn the 3 senses you need to be an investment power player. As well as 6 mind blowing lessons for creating wealth.
That's over $2,427.00 in Value, But You Aren't Paying That Today  
Get Everything For Just $197.00 (Here's Why).
Me and my team of business plan advisors are on standby waiting to help you design your business plan and help you get all your questions answered.

I want to work with winners - I want to work with people who when I give you my Tax Lien & Tax Deed Investing blueprint, you're going to put in the action required to bring it to life.

I'm willing to give you all this for so little because I'm confident you're going to be blown away.
I know it can change your life so much that you'll do business with me for years to come. You may want to come to our masterminds or go through some of our other courses and education.

You'll most likely become obsessed with mastering this industry and you'll want to grow and scale the business, which I can help with.

But first, I'm willing to help you for next to nothing. I'm willing to show you I can help you - by actually helping you! What a novel concept, right?

That way if you decide it's not for you, you're not out anything except a few bucks and little bit of time
Can we just cut the crap and start our relationship off with honesty and transparency?

I'm not going to sugar coat stuff and treat you like a dummy… I'm going to treat you with the dignity and respect I believe you deserve.

All I ask is if you're going to sign up right now by clicking the button below… PLEASE do the work.
Commit right now to finish the ENTIRE challenge.

That's my challenge for you, if you're ready to accept it, and I'm willing to hold your hand every step of the way.

Don't let this be another thing you sign up for on an impulse and don't follow through with.
If you're going to start this challenge… promise yourself, and promise me, that you won't take advantage of my generosity.

Promise me you won't quit reaching for success right before the miracle happens.

Promise me you won't give up and quit right before the finish line. I get it - you've been beaten, battered and bruised and you're not sure if this will actually work.
Let Me Remove The Risk For You, A Full 30-Day Refund Guarantee.
Go through the entire 3 Day Tax Lien and Tax Deed Investing Workshop*
Eat it all up. Devour it. Implement it.
I'll give you 30 days to decide if you want to stick with it.​​​​​​​
Put everything to the test.
I'll give you 30 days to decide if you want to stick with it.​​​​​​​
If not (or if you don't see the amazing value) - I'll give your money back.
I don't need it. Your four-bucks won't change my life.
What do you say…. Are you up for the challenge?
If so, LET'S GO.
SLAM the green "Get Started Now" button, enter your details and I'll see you inside!​​​​​​​
* Guarantee applies only to online purchases
Let Me Remove The Risk For You, A Full 30-Day Refund Guarantee.
Go through the entire 3 Day Tax Lien and Tax Deed Investing Workshop*
Eat it all up. Devour it. Implement it.
I'll give you 30 days to decide if you want to stick with it.​​​​​​​
Put everything to the test.
I'll give you 30 days to decide if you want to stick with it.​​​​​​​
If not (or if you don't see the amazing value) - I'll give your money back.
I don't need it. Your four-bucks won't change my life.
What do you say…. Are you up for the challenge?
If so, LET'S GO.
SLAM the green "Get Started Now" button, enter your details and I'll see you inside!​​​​​​​
* Guarantee applies only to online purchases
Here's A Recap Of Your Order,
Plus All Your FREE Bonuses
3 Day Tax Lien & Tax Deed Investing Workshop Plus Bonuses
3 Day Tax Lien/Deed Workshop
Hidden Strategies of Tax Lien Investing
Quick-Start Guide to Real Estate
Accelerated Deal Analyzing
Build an Empire: The Keys to Rapid Growth
Deal Finding Power Play
Think Like A Millionaire
Tax Lien List 
$2,427.00 In Value
Start Your Journey Right Now For Just $197.00!
Here's A Recap Of Your Order,
Plus All Your FREE Bonuses
3 Day Tax Lien & Tax Deed Investing Workshop Plus Bonuses
3 Day Tax Lien/Deed Workshop
Hidden Strategies of Tax Lien Investing Digital Book
Quick-Start Guide to Real Estate
Accelerated Deal Analyzing
Build an Empire: The Keys to Rapid Growth
Deal Finding Power Play
Think Like a Millionaire
$2,474.00 In Value
Start Your Journey Right Now For Just $197.00!